The Mausoleum of Marasesti

In the First World War, in 1917 July-August, the German army, trying to cross the Romanian-Russian front and to occupy the Romanian territories between Siret and Prut rivers, begun a huge offensive in the Marasesti sector. Great fights take place. Even they were inferior from the point of view of the number of soldiers the Romanians pushed back the German attack.
The Mausoleum of Marasesti is a memorial site containing remains of 5,073 Romanian soldiers and officers (identified or not, in crypts or common tombs) killed in the First World War.

The Mausoleum of Marasesti, Moldova, Romania,

The Mausoleum's inauguration ceremony took place on September 18, 1938, in the presence of King Carol II. On the frontispiece of the Mausoleum there were also written the names of localities where major battles were fought.

Inside the mausoleum, in a separate building, there was arranged a museum of fighting conducted on these places, which offers the visitor photo-documentation images, weapons and military equipment of the Romanian army at the time, Catherina Teodoriu's personal belongings, fallen during the struggles that took place in Susita valley.

They say that Marasesti Mausoleum requires such a great respect, that Hitler himself, when the allied air force bombed Prahova Valley and threatened Moldova, asked Antonescu to send two Antiaircraft sub-units to Marasesti to defend the Mausoleum.

Marasesti, Moldova, Romania,

Marasesti, Moldova, Romania,

The Mausoleum of Marasesti, Moldova, Romania,

The Mausoleum of Marasesti, Marasesti, Moldova, Romania,

The Mausoleum of Marasesti, Marasesti, Moldova, Romania,

The Mausoleum of Marasesti, Marasesti, Moldova, Romania,

The Mausoleum of Marasesti, Moldova, Romania,

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