Agapia Monastery

Agapia Monastery, Agapia, Church, Holy Cross, Landscapes, Monastery, Neamt County, Orthodox, Romania, Moldova, Nicolae Grigorescu

Agapia Monastery is located at 9 km far from Targu Neamt and 43 km from Piatra Neamt.
The monastery is famous around the world due to its interior frescoes painted in 1858 by the great Romanian painter Nicolae Grigorescu (one of the founders of modern Romanian painting).

The name of the monastery comes from a monk named Agapie who founded a wooden church long time ago. 
The architectural complex is formed by 2 buildings: Old Agapia Hermitage, on the hill and Agapia Monastery,
The Agapia Monastery complex is a true architectural jewel, combining the characteristics of the Byzantine style with Neoclassic and Romanian style. The monastery's museum has a collection of medieval art, religious objects and a library with old books and manuscripts.

Attracted by the beauty of the landscape and the surrounding sights, as well as by the peacefulness of the spiritual life of the holy establishment, many writes and cultural personalities visited this monastery particularly in the summertime. It was here that they could rest and work in peace, far from the maddening crowd. Today, it is one of the largest monasteries of nuns in Romania.

Agapia Monastery, Agapia, Church, Holy Cross, Landscapes, Monastery, Neamt County, Orthodox, Romania, Moldova, Nicolae Grigorescu
Agapia, Church, Holy Cross, Landscapes, Monastery, Neamt County, Orthodox, Romania, Moldova, Nicolae Grigorescu

Agapia Monastery, Church, Holy Cross, Landscapes, Monastery, Neamt County, Orthodox, Romania, Moldova, Nicolae Grigorescu

Agapia, Church, Holy Cross, Landscapes, Monastery, Neamt County, Orthodox, Romania, Moldova, Nicolae Grigorescu

Agapia, Church, Holy Cross, Landscapes, Monastery, Neamt County, Orthodox, Romania, Moldova, Nicolae Grigorescu

Agapia, Church, Holy Cross, Landscapes, Monastery, Neamt County, Orthodox, Romania, Moldova, Nicolae Grigorescu

Agapia, Church, Holy Cross, Landscapes, Monastery, Neamt County, Orthodox, Romania, Moldova, Nicolae Grigorescu

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